Interview with 'The Walking Dead' video game writer Gary Whitta
New York Post (blog)
And what's it like writing for a video game versus writing for a movie? It's a lot more complicated—a lot more challenging as you have to deal with all the various branching possibilities that can emerge once you let the player make choices that ...

New York Post (blog)
New York Post (blog)
And what's it like writing for a video game versus writing for a movie? It's a lot more complicated—a lot more challenging as you have to deal with all the various branching possibilities that can emerge once you let the player make choices that ...
New York Post (blog)
Washington College Elm
Against such opposition a small time developer based in a place like Chestertown would seem unthinkable, yet reality has a way of defying probability: meet Gary Dahl of Sugar Pill Studios; Chestertown's video game development company. Sugar Pill ...
10 Video Game Boss Battles That Left Us Disappointed
There are few moments in video games that manage to either underwhelm so severely as to undercut the collective experience of playing the game from start to finish, or be so odds with the journey that the destination feels so out of place, but it does ...
Eldorado deal to push growth of 3G Studios
Northern Nevada Business Weekly
3G Studio's partnership with Eldorado Resorts to produce online gaming, a deal announced last week, means the Reno-based video game developer is headed for a large-scale expansion, President James Kosta says. Eldorado Interactive, a subsidiary of ...
Tiny Troopers Review
GamingBolt (blog)
Looking like a cross between a Nintendo inspired take on gritty, modern warfare – not unlike Advance Wars, actually – and something a lot more grounded like Company of Heroes, the game ends up sending off the wrong message to the PC gamer at first. The...
GamingBolt (blog)
Game: DOA5 still very much alive
The Daily Titan
Over the years, gamers and video game critics have bashed the Dead or Alive (DOA) series. Mostly due ... For that much money, the developers have to think about pleasing their fans with something other than more costumes to wear during a fight. The ...
Reset: Lackluster Tokyo Game Show Mirrors Industry
Side Mission (blog)
TGS used to be one of the biggest video game conventions of the year, and Japan used to be the driving development force in the games industry. Oh how the times have changed. First things first. Japan is the cradle of the industry. It always will be ...
Thirty Flights perfects narrative-based game
CMU The Tartan Online
This is the overwhelming response from people who've played Thirty Flights of Loving, the latestvideo game from indie developer Blendo Games, released over the summer. The game is a narrative-driven, first-person shooter inhabited by blocky, stylized ...
Hitman: Absolution 18 Minutes Gameplay Explains Contract Mode[VIDEO]
Hitman: Absolution will launch with some pre-set challenges the developer cooked up, so you won't be left empty-handed when you pick the game up. Make sure to check out the video below and hit us up in the comment section or on our Facebook page.
Quest to make a hardcore Kinect game
British game development studio Lionhead is no stranger to the pressures that come with top-level game making. It was, after all, once headed by game designing legend Peter Molyneux, whose enthusiasm for his games was often his undoing, but now the ...
Borderlands 2 chief aims to give more bang for the buck with games
Channel News Asia
With so much money involved, and skyrocketing game development costs due to the use of increasingly complex technologies, could the games industry be more of a case of making what sells, than making creative games? Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox ...
UK Gov asks: What makes a game 'British'?
The 'cultural test' would award points for those elements that contribute to "the overall cultural value of a video game, animation or high-end television programme". The DCMS has used the already existing tax breaks for film companies to shape this ...
Sunday Sidebar: Meet Martin Pichlmair of Broken Rules
Video Game Writers
Avast ye, green sailor, and hunker your breetches as we set sail upon the seas of independent development. ... My job is a hybrid of designer/producer/developer/salesperson. ... So I quit my day job at the university and started a video gamecompany.
Video Game Writers
Students go a weekend without sleep for the Great Canadian Appathon
Globe and Mail
... chance to network with members of Canada's fast-growing video-gaming industry. In the past five years, Canada has become one of the biggest video-game development hubs in the world, thanks to small app developers in Waterloo and Toronto, and major ...
Globe and Mail
'Forza Horizon' launch trailer reveals demo release date
Digital Spy
The downloadable teaser offers a section of the overall game map as well as several events, which will automatically become Rivals Mode events allowing players to play against one another by setting the fastest time. Elsewhere, downloading the demo ...
Korea's NEXON to buy Japanese games giant Gloops for $468.6 million
The Next Web
Gloops is a massive developer of mobile video games based in Tokyo, giving rise to countless stand-out hits such as 'Japan Pro Baseball Card Battle' and 'Three Kingdoms Guild Battle' for DeNA's Mobage gaming platform. In fact, Gloops is thought to be ...
The Next Web
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission review – naval commodore
Sensibly the game tries to add a human face to its future war but the growling hero, and by turns feisty and submissive love interest, are straight out of the big book of video game clichés. Their voice-actors meanwhile seem to have been found in the ...
Author: Blizzard toyed with 'always online' idea for Warcraft 3
"However, the idea of devoting an entire internal team to cinematics took time to catch on and remained disconnected from the game development process. Diablo's opening cinematic was made late in the production process before the story was finalized, ...
Mountain Dew® And DORITOS® Brands Bring Double XP Back, Bigger Than ...
Daily Markets
“The gaming community is expecting a lot from HALO 4, and the involvement of the Mountain Dew and DORITOS brands adds another layer of excitement,” said video game expert, Geoff Keighley. “Double XP will amplify ... “From letting our fans have the ...
If It Hasn't Already, EA Sports Should Get Out Of The NBA
Kotaku Australia
NBA Live 13 reached full strength in its development team about a year ago, and though there are some longtime EA developers in the creative leadership, a lot of guys around Rivela's rank had to move to be a part of this. ... But if they're going to do ...
Nintendo Announces 23 New Wii U Games
Black Friday Magazine
Gaming hardware and software developer, Nintendo, announced recently that it will be releasing 23 new games for the Nintendo Wii U on November 18th. ... Skylanders Giants™, TRANSFORMERS PRIME™, Wipeout 3, 007™ Legends, Cabela's® Dangerous Hunts 2013 ...
Gifs, Memes, and Accidental Porn: A Visit to HackNY's Fall Hackathon
The most impressive showing of the day was definitely Dom, a video game “on top of the Internet.” The game turns the layout of any website into a 3D landscape where players have to shoot away oncoming robots. Their fully-functional demo drew actual ...
The Secret World and the tough road ahead
When that initial release doesn't catch fire, the challenge gets steeper: How do you adjust for early issues -- and attract players who might've been turned off by early reviews to give the game another go? MMOs receive Metacritic ... And many major ...
Games: Creating the Battles & Characters of LEGO The Lord of the Rings
IGN has posted the second 'Developer Diary' for the upcoming LEGO The Lord of the Rings. This week the video highlights the creation of the battles and characters in the game. The game is set to be released on October 30th and will feature the music ...
Energy, climate and the presidential debates - More reaction to Obama's China ...
And it wouldn't be a debate without a drinking game. I'm still trying to iron out the details, but here are my initial thoughts: Take one drink for every mention of burdensome regulations or “picking winners and losers.” Take a shot when either ...
Nyrthos also features a day, night and weather cycle that strongly impacts the game world; simply put, the night is very dark and deadly, so many actions have to be performed during the day. The cycle influences enemies, spawnable items, resources ...
Revisiting the genius of Donkey Kong Country's two-button gameplay
The developer fine-tuned everything to a level that offered fluidity rarely seen in any game of the same genre. From a static position, our Kongs can instantly reach a maximum speed, which can just as easily be negated by rocking the D-pad in the ...
'Resident Evil 6' tops the week in games: October 1 - October 7
Hypable (blog)
October is finally here as Resident Evil 6 kicks off what is sure to be a busy fall for thevideo game industry. I have never been the biggest fan of the Resident Evil series. I enjoyed what I could get through of RE4, and the series' pedigree speaks ...
Hypable (blog)
Named And Dated: Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Project Giana, a successfully Kickstarted indie platformer sequel to a Super Mario clone, didn't just turn to crowdsourcing to feed its developers; it also asked the community to name its game. That name has now been revealed as Giana Sisters: Twisted ...
Sony surprised by lack of support for Vita because they are delusional ...
Scrape TV
Tokyo, Japan – When Sony decided to get into the handheld game back in 2003 a lot of people were concerned. Some were excited ... Still, going against the best-selling video game system and still selling 71 million units was not a bad accomplishment ...
Scrape TV

Hi Giantbomb! My name is Ashar and I am creating my own indie video game. I order to do some ...
Video game developers tap state film credits to compete
MICHIGAN — Most of the fanfare — and finger pointing — about Michigan's film incentives have been focused on their role in attracting movie and TV show ...
First Time Video Game Developer - Help make my dream come true! - Giant Bomb -
hmmmm... we are currently in pre-alpha so we haven't really thought about what stands out. good question. we got some planned, but they aren't really that big, ...
Yes, The Library of Congress Has Video Games: An Interview with ...
Video games represent one of the most difficult challenges for digital ... to time but for the most part the game companies now furnish us with a copy of the game, ...
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