MarketWatch (press release)
Nintendo will be using a mix of online, broadcast and social platforms to provide a steady stream of breaking news and announcements during the video game industry's biggest annual trade show, taking place June 5-7 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Comic Book Movie
Our vision has been to create a video game sequel to the original Alien trilogy. Our vision is for the game to be fully featured with an exciting, suspenseful, thrilling and action packed narrative campaign that can be played alone or cooperatively ...
Kickstarting a video game classic in Utah
Salt Lake Tribune
By Vince Horiuchi In his heyday, futuristic gumshoe Tex Murphy always got the girl and caught the crook. Today, the virtual private eye who starred in his own series of popular computer games in the 1990s such as "Martian Memorandum" and "Under a ...
VIDEO GAME REVIEW: "Mario Tennis Open"
Rochester City Newspaper
By Willie Clark on May 21, 2012 I've never really gotten along with tennis. Ask my high school gym teacher: He made an effort to catch the comedy hour that was my group's attempt to keep the ball in play and get a volley going.
How To Play Video Games
Video games are the violins of popular entertainment. To play them requires knowledge and skill. To play them well requires practice and maybe a bit of advice. We want you to enjoy video games, so we have some advice. Our helpful tips are for anyone ...
video game review
Youngstown Vindicator
Max Payne hasn't graced video gamers' screens for nearly nine years, and when we reacquaint ourselves with the former New York City detective, we find a man drowning his troubled past in bottles of scotch and prescription pills.
Three ways to save big on video games
CNET (blog)
Video games are an expensive hobby. A typical new release for a console like the PlayStation or Xbox costs about $60. That might not seem like a lot relative to the number of hours of entertainment you can reasonably expect from a game, but it's still ...
Violent video games turning gamers into deadly shooters
EurekAlert (press release)
Los Angeles, CA (May 21, 2012) Playing violent shooting video games can improve firing accuracy and influence players to aim for the head when using a real gun finds a new study in Communication Research, published by SAGE. Authors Jodi L. Whitaker and ...
'Ghost Recon:' Video game developers learn from military and vice versa
Brandon Sun
As senior producer of the studio behind "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier," Stuart White is constantly looking for real-life military technology to put in his video games. White recalls a visit to a military research lab in Alabama in which the ...
Stroke Patients Recover Faster with Video Game
By Kendra Srivastava Stroke victims can now play a video game to regain motor control, thanks to improved medical technology that engages patients more fully than traditional therapy. The "Circus Challenge" game tricks participants into exercising ...
Fake Gamer of the Week: Don't Trust the Pretty Redhead, Mr. Orange
So when you found yourself in bed with a lovely redheaded woman gamer, you thought you had avoided your fate. Think again, Mr. Orange. It may seem like an ideal situation, Mr. Orange, but there is only one reason an attractive woman brings a vitamin ...
Online Video Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 8= 20th may– megavideo || 2X8
Comic Book Movie
For the last few episodes, Dany's wander through the red wastes and her eye-candy tripsWatchvideo Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 8 The Prince of Winterfell On HBO. Free DownloadVideo Game of Thrones 20th May 2012 Online Tv Live Streaming Video .
Ex-Red Sox Star Pitcher's Video Game Firm Signs Late Payment to Rhode Island
Bond Buyer
The business woes of the online video game company he founded, which appears to be unraveling faster than the 2011 Red Sox, have set off a political, media and bond-industry firestorm. 38 Studios LLC on Friday finally made a $1.125 million payment, ...
Majesco releasing a new fitness video game
Video game publisher Majesco Entertainment has announced plans to release Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Workout, a workout video game that provides a fitness program similar to the one that celebrities use to achieve and maintain their physiques.
“Hunger Games” video game: Bad Idea?
Lionsgate is looking to make the renowned book/movie into a video game, but considering the plot, there will have to be a balancing act between the graphic fight scenes portrayed in the series, and its PG-13 audience. "Kids killing kids" is how this ...
CagePotato Exclusive: Quinton Jackson Talks 'Rampage Punch,' His Passion for ...
As you may or may not know, Rampage has a series of IPhone/Android video games coming out, the first of which is aptly named “Rampage Punch.” You can learn all you need to know about the game in the above video, and you can download the apps for IPhone ...
UW-Madison profs developing video games that stress kindness
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
By Karen Herzog of the Journal Sentinel Two University of Wisconsin-Madison professors have received a $1.39 million grant to develop video games that emphasize kindness and compassion instead of violence and aggression. The $1.39 million grant from ...
Reviews for the Lazy Gamer: Mario Tennis Open
Houston Press (blog)
Up Up: Walk back through video game history and you'll find that something like 70 percent of it is really tennis. Pong is nothing but tennis, fighting games are tennis games where you hit each other with the rackets, every Zelda adventure has a part ...
Video Game Review: 'Game Of Thrones'
Science Fiction
I've always been told that video games based off a movie or TV show should be avoided at all costs, and aside from one brief detour with a Harry Potter game, I've adhered to that adage. While the 'Game of Thrones' game is based more on the book, ...
Science Fiction
Violent video games turning gamers into deadly shooters? (blog)
Playing violent shooting video games can improve firing accuracy and influence players to aim for the head when using a real gun finds a new study in Communication Research, published by SAGE. Authors Jodi L. Whitaker and Brad J. Bushman tested 151 ... (blog)
First Look: 'The Avengers' Video Game That Never Happened
It's not a bold statement to assert that most video games based on movies are pretty awful. They almost always suck. But it was still surprising to see that one of the biggest movies of the year (and one of the biggest movies of all-time), ...
Review: Battleship the Video Game Sinks As Quickly As the Film (Xbox 360 ...
It'd be interesting to talk to the executive who green-lit a big $200 million budgeted film “loosely” based on the Hasbro board game Battleship…especially considering it's bombing something fierce this weekend against the mighty Avengers movie.
The Video Game That's Also a Rap Album That's Also a Comic Book
Raheem Jarbo, aka Mega Ran, aka Random, is one of the more noted video game musicians out there. For his latest album, though, he went a little further than just rapping about video games. With financial help from fans, he's been able to put together a ...
Michael Pachter: Video Game Industry Would 'Disintegrate' if Console Makers ...
Game Politics
In the latest episode of GameTrailers' Pach Attack, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter talks about used games and why they are an integral part of the video game ecosystem. In fact, he claims, the industry would be in serious trouble without them.
Wings' Pavel Datsyuk still in the running for cover of 'NHL 13' video game
The Detroit News
By The Detroit News Red Wings center Pavel Datsyuk is in the running to appear on the "NHL 13" video game cover. (Dave Reginek/Getty Images) Datsyuk, the Red Wings center, has advanced to the second round of the "NHL 13: Vote for the Cover" contest.
'Tebowing' to be featured in Madden video game
"Tebowing," the celebration made famous by Tim Tebow last season, is coming to a video game near you. Michael Young, the creative director for "Madden NFL 13", says the game will feature the celebration when it is released on Aug. 28.
New This Week in Video Games
Attack of the Fanboy
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 - In Ghost Recon Future Soldier join an elite team of highly trained, cut-throat special-ops soldiers. Armed to the teeth with unrivalled combat technology and cutting-edge military hardware, ...
Four Corners Daily Sports Debate: Today, Should 'Tebowing' Be In Madden NFL ...
Hartford Courant
strong>Today's Question: Does "Tebowing" Deserve A Place In The Upcoming Maddern NFLVideo Game? Check back as Tribune Co. sportswriters weigh in: Vote: Does 'Tebowing' Deserve A Place In Madden Video Game? EA Sports has announced that Tim Tebow's ...
Xfire Raises $3M To Expand Gamer Social Networking In Asia ...
By Anthony Ha
Anthony Ha is a writer at TechCrunch, where he covers media, advertising, and startups. Previously, he was a staff technology writer at Adweek, worked as a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and was also a reporter at the Hollister ...
Raheem Jarbo, aka Mega Ran, aka Random, is one of the more noted video game musicians out there. For his latest album, though, he went a little further than just rapping about video games. With financial help from fans, he's been able to put together a ...
Michael Pachter: Video Game Industry Would 'Disintegrate' if Console Makers ...
Game Politics
In the latest episode of GameTrailers' Pach Attack, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter talks about used games and why they are an integral part of the video game ecosystem. In fact, he claims, the industry would be in serious trouble without them.
Wings' Pavel Datsyuk still in the running for cover of 'NHL 13' video game
The Detroit News
By The Detroit News Red Wings center Pavel Datsyuk is in the running to appear on the "NHL 13" video game cover. (Dave Reginek/Getty Images) Datsyuk, the Red Wings center, has advanced to the second round of the "NHL 13: Vote for the Cover" contest.
'Tebowing' to be featured in Madden video game
"Tebowing," the celebration made famous by Tim Tebow last season, is coming to a video game near you. Michael Young, the creative director for "Madden NFL 13", says the game will feature the celebration when it is released on Aug. 28.
New This Week in Video Games
Attack of the Fanboy
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 - In Ghost Recon Future Soldier join an elite team of highly trained, cut-throat special-ops soldiers. Armed to the teeth with unrivalled combat technology and cutting-edge military hardware, ...
Four Corners Daily Sports Debate: Today, Should 'Tebowing' Be In Madden NFL ...
Hartford Courant
strong>Today's Question: Does "Tebowing" Deserve A Place In The Upcoming Maddern NFLVideo Game? Check back as Tribune Co. sportswriters weigh in: Vote: Does 'Tebowing' Deserve A Place In Madden Video Game? EA Sports has announced that Tim Tebow's ...
Xfire Raises $3M To Expand Gamer Social Networking In Asia ...
By Anthony Ha
Anthony Ha is a writer at TechCrunch, where he covers media, advertising, and startups. Previously, he was a staff technology writer at Adweek, worked as a senior editor at the tech blog VentureBeat, and was also a reporter at the Hollister ...
New Video Game Releases – May 22 – May 28 | N4G
Ghosts and dragons are the big stories in this week's video game release list. (3DS, Dragon's Dogma ... 14h ago - 3D in video games is rather a hush hush affair, almost a pandering to those who have adopted 3D T... | Culture. Comments (46) ...
N4G: xbox360 news feed
Nintendo Offers Video Game Fans Everywhere a Front-Row Seat at ...
Nintendo will be using a mix of online, broadcast and social platforms to provide a steady stream of breaking news and announcements during the video game industry's biggest annual trade show, taking place June 5-7 at the Los Angeles ... – News and Updates
Sterling Silver Space Invaders Ring - Video Games - Memes ...
By Cheezburger Network
video game memes - Sterling Silver Space Invaders Ring.
Video Games - Memes, Captions,...
Will Israel's 'Playcast' Revolutionize Video Game Industry ...
By Tiffany Stelman, NoCamels
Israeli company Playcast enables cable and satellite television companies to offer the latest video games without the need to buy a console or games. ... Will Israel's 'Playcast' RevolutionizeVideo Game Industry? By Tiffany Stelman ...
No Camels
The Speculative Scotsman: Video Game Review | Silent Hill ...
By Niall Alexander
I don't think anyone would dispute that the series started strong. Resident Evil might have popularised the survival horror genre, but let's face facts: it was crude, and unconscionably camp. Occasionally shocking, is how I'd politely describe it, ...
The Speculative Scotsman
Eli Manning Battles Fans in Video Game at Microsoft - Bridgewater ...
By Warren Westura
Giants quarterback celebrates store's grand opening in Bridgewater.
Bridgewater Patch
Female Fashion Gamers Look Alive - Gamer Chic Is In - News ...
By Narz
As geeks and nerds rose from the infamous swirlies to popular TV shows, movies, comics and games, we forget a section of nerds and geeks that have yet to see their grouping conventional: the girl gamer. In New York City, the rise of girl gamers is evident, only issue is that it is not prominent ... Devoted gamers wear more expressive gaming attire; clothes that represent their favorite video games. However, there are a growing number of fashionable girl gamers expressing their love of ...
Best Windows Phone gamer in the world says Final Fantasy and ...
By Surur
According to Zebrasqual, who has been crowned the best windows phone gamer in the world based on his large number of Achievements, we can expect two major games to show up on Windows Phone soon. The first is Final Fantasy , which ...
MTV Style – Before “Video Games,” Lana Del Rey Kicked It In This ...
By Liza Darwin
Lana Del Rey has been shrouded in a haze of mystery ever since she first broke out on the music scene last year with her smoky, sultry hit “Video Games.” And although some pieces of her past might still be a little foggy (those lips! that name!) ...
MTV Style
Tekken: Rise of the Tournament Prequel Movie Announced
By Ferry
Based on the Tekken video game series, it's the prequel to the first live-action movie, which once again is live-action instead of the recent CGI 3D movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance. Tekken: Rise of the Tournament will star character lookalikes ...
Video Game Walkthroughs, Video...
Dr. C. Shawn Green on Training Conditions For Video Games to ...
By SharpBrains
Dr. Green will discuss the Training Conditions For Video Games to Result in Real Brain-based Benefits, at the upcoming 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (June 7-14th, 2012).

The other day, we saw some images of a made-up video game based on the characters ...

the interactive music video, entitled 'bell', is an experiential film in which an individual engages ...

Video Games Live. If you are going to be in Los Angeles during E3 week and you consider ...
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