Side Mission
In addition to all of the big gaming news and brand-new media, those attending this year's E3 (or anyone in or around LA for that matter) can also look forward to enhanced edition of Video Games Live. Basically, Video Games Live Creator/Executive ...
Side Mission
Kickstarter Helps Video Game Developers Reboot Old Titles
Using it to fund video games seemed like a bit of a stretch. "I kinda pooh-poohed it at first," Schafer explained, speaking by phone from his San Francisco office. "Kickstarters have generally been a lot smaller — averaging $5000 per project.
Curt Schilling says video game company was hurt by broken RI promises ...
Washington Post
PROVIDENCE, RI — Curt Schilling is blaming Rhode Island economic development officials and the governor for much of the financial troubles facing his video game company. The former Red Sox pitcher tells The Providence Journal ( ...
Video game orchestra strikes nostalgic chord
CBS News
Instead, it was arrangements for video games like "Sonic the Hedgehog." It was all part of the largest dedication ever by a major museum to the art of video games. Joel Guttman, who plays trombone for the University of Maryland's Gamer Symphony ...

CBS News
Are video games art? Kids speak out
Washington Post
Dev Patel, 8, Reston Video games are like a painting on an electronic screen. The controller functions as your paintbrush, while the screen serves as your canvas. In order to make a video game, you have to think of something original to reach your ...
Rhode Island Owns Defunct Video Game Firm
The story of 38 Studios has everything: sports stars, political incompetence, government bailouts, taxpayer outrage and -- the kicker -- big-budget video games. The storm began nearly two years ago, when the Rhode Island Economic Development ...
Schilling blames Rhode Island for video game firm's troubles
By NEWSCORE PROVIDENCE — Former star pitcher Curt Schilling lashed out today at Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, blaming the state for his video game company's desperate financial situation. In his first public comments on the near-collapse of 38 ...
Video game developer's conference marks maturing of an Ottawa industry
Ottawa Citizen
By Vito Pilieci, The Ottawa Citizen May 29, 2012 10:16 AM OTTAWA — The capital's video gamedesign industry has finally grown up — and it's throwing a big party on Tuesday to prove it. In what organizers hope will be the first of many annual Ottawa ...
Hyper-Realistic Video Game Car Crashes Coming Soon
Motor Authority
Read More Building on the work of the geniuses at CryTek, creators of the new CryENGINE3 video game engine, BeamNG has found a way to model vehicle crashes with incredible realism--within the world where your character hacks, slashes, shoots, ...
Video Game Quick Hits 5/29/2012
Big Shiny Robot!
The last edition for the month of May. This one was quick and eventful. What do we have to look forward to in June? E3 for starters, which means you'll want to keep a Big Shiny Robot! tab open at all times as we've got several people headed to LA for ...

Big Shiny Robot!
Schilling, Chaffee Each Disputes Other's View Of Video Game Woes
CBS Local
He said that shortly after those comments, a video-game publisher pulled out of a $35-million deal to finance a new game. “The governor is not operating in the best interest of the company by any stretch, or the taxpayers, or the state,” Schilling told ...

CBS Local
Certain Video Games May Be Beneficial to Health, Improve Disease Outcomes
Medical Daily
Playing video games may significantly improve a variety of health outcomes, especially those associated with psychological and physical therapy, according to a new study. By Christine Hsu | May 29, 2012 Playing video games may significantly improve a ...

Medical Daily
Video Game High School: Rock O'Clock is 3:32
Houston Press (blog)
By Jef With One F Tue., May 29 2012 at 6:00 AM Video Game High School continues to be one of the greatest things on the Internet in last week's episode. I'm always a big fan of dream sequences, having been weaned on red rooms and the dancing dwarf in ...
Video Game Review: 'Max Payne 3' is Gaming as Cinematic Immersion
CHICAGO – So what's Max Payne been up to since we last saw him all those years ago? No, not since the horrendous 2008 movie. The movie just doesn't exist folks. Take a deep breath. It's been nine years since the last gaming incarnation of Payne.
The Lego Batman 2 Video Game Might Know What Kids Want Out of Comics Better ...
The next Lego Batman game comes packed with superheroes. Enough to form a Justice League, even. And that's great for the adults who already know those characters and will be playing with children. But if I were a seven-year-old kid playing the ...
London 2012 video game preview and interview - hyper sports
But London 2012: The Official Video Game Of The Olympic Games, to give it it's full title, is something we understand. A direct descendant of retro classics such as Track & Field, Daley Thompson's Decathlon, and Epyx's Summer Games, it aims to be the...

Video Game Designed To Help Physicians ID Substance Misuse Issues
Researchers are in the final stages of testing an interactive video game designed to help physicians identify the warning signs of substance misuse among patients, the New York Times reports. According to Michael Fleming at the Northwestern University ...
The “real” science behind five video game items
In the video game universe, health regenerates, swapping out a weapon clip before it's empty does not typically decrease one's total ammo supply, and many characters can jump while they're jumping. With all of this craziness going on, it's no wonder ...

Galaxy S III - has it won over the Pocket Gamer crew?
Pocket Gamer
by Will Wilson The rumours and the waiting are finally over - Samsung's latest flagship Android handset, the Galaxy S III, is available now across Europe. Packing in a quad-core processor, a massive 4.8-inch screen, and more extra bits of software than ...
Game Over for GameStop and Video Game Retailers?
The same week, though, video game retailer GameStop announced a worse-than-expected quarter of falling revenues led by plummeting in-store sales. Together, those two facts signal a massive re-alignment of how games are sold.
New Desperate Poverty Video Game Blamed For Urban Violence
The Onion (satire)
Add special collections of Onion Radio News to your playlist that have been hand-selected by the editors. The Onion Radio News has been the most highly regarded broadcast news source in the world since visionary Onion publisher T.Herman Zweibel made ...
Is "All This Violence" Really What Video Games Are Made Of?
Now it is absolutely, unequivocally true that not all video games rely on sex and violence; more on that in a moment. But in our AAA, blockbuster extravaganzas, the major method through which stories are told is combat. Consider: BioShock is routinely ...
Video gaming isn't just child's play
University of Pittsburgh researchers say video games as a powerful tool for improving patient health, according to a study just published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. It's not a comprehensive endorsement--the study finds there are ...

Syracuse University students' video game draws crowd at conference, attracts ...
By Dave Tobin / The Post-Standard Frank Ordonez/The Post-Standard, 2011Dave Chenell (left) and Eric Cleckner, Syracuse University graduate students, stand behind computer monitors displaying images from the website for their computer game graFighters, ...
Epic: We have not declared our Wii U strategy
Earlier, video games journalist Geoff Keighley suggested that Epic Games had confirmed that Wii U would not host games built on Unreal Engine 4, adding that the information had come from Epic Games president Mike Capps. @DavidKalpakis No, at GDC Mike ...
There is an Awesome Game of Thrones Video Game. You Can Play it Right Now.
And it is already pretty much the perfect Game of Thrones video game. I mentioned in my review of Crusader Kings II earlier in the year that the systems put in place by developers Paradox seemed ideally suited to George RR Martin's fantasy universe.
Tim Schafer's $3.3 Million Kickstarter Adventure Could Level-Up The Entire ...
Fast Company
BY David Holmes | 05-29-2012 | 8:00 AM This behind-the-scenes interview with the brutal legend of video game design proves that listening to your customers can pay off in unexpected ways. "We want playing our games to entertain people on many different...

Fast Company
Schilling Blames Rhode Island, Chafee For Video Game
By KC Downey
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling blames broken promises by Rhode Island and Gov. Lincoln Chafee for the financial trouble his video game company is in.
CBS Boston
Mario No Le Gusta - Video Games - Memebase
By Cheezburger Network
video game memes - Mario No Le Gusta. ... Video Games - memes, game lols, captions,. I Can Has Cheezburger? FAIL Blog · Memebase · The Daily What · Know Your ... Create or find a funny Video Game Meme? Make sure to submit it here!
Video Games - Memes, Captions,...
New video game releases - Entertainment Wire - The Olympian ...
The following games are among those scheduled for release this week, according to
The Olympian Online -- Entertainment...
What was the first video game system you owned? - DVD Talk Forum
By Sub-Zero
The first video game system that I owned was the original Nintendo Entertainment System (the one that came with two controllers, the light gun and the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt game pak). At the same time I also received the original ...
DVD Talk Forum - Video Game Talk
Masters of the Universe The Power of He-Man Video Game : Poe ...
By Poe
While reading through the entire run of the 1980s Vigilante comic (don't ask…), I came across the ad below on a back cover. Now, as I kid my family actually owned an Intellivision, so given my love of He-Man it's unclear to me why we never ...
Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
First Look at Ron Gilbert's New Video Game 'The Cave' | Top Hat ...
By Tim Briscoe
One of my favorite all-time video games is the 1987 adventure puzzler Maniac Mansion. I devoured hour-upon-hour of that game on my Commodore 64. Th.
Top Hat Sasquatch
Video Games Remade For The My Little Pony Fans | Gamma Squad
By RoboPanda
Stay ahead of the curve and get the best mixture of web culture and entertainment delivered straight to your in-box. Recommended Posts. [image]. Video Games What if Important Historical Events Were Reviewed by Video Game Reviewers?
Gamma Squad
Video Game Car Crashes Have Never Looked This Good | Kotaku ...
By Luke Plunkett
This is what happens when you plug the physics system of truck sim Rigs of Rods into Crytek's CryEngine3: car crashes so nice you can watch them...
Kotaku Australia
Are video game soundtracks the new concept albums? - The Guardian
Are video game soundtracks the new concept albums? ... "Everything has to loop indefinitely," says the band's bassist and resident gamer, John Famiglietti.
Tues. preview: Music to a gamer's ears - CBS News Video
CBS News video: Tues. preview: Music to a gamer's ears - The Gamer Symphony ... video gamehits, and explains how they're striking a chord with audiences.
Follow @sobeq
Using it to fund video games seemed like a bit of a stretch. "I kinda pooh-poohed it at first," Schafer explained, speaking by phone from his San Francisco office. "Kickstarters have generally been a lot smaller — averaging $5000 per project.
Curt Schilling says video game company was hurt by broken RI promises ...
Washington Post
PROVIDENCE, RI — Curt Schilling is blaming Rhode Island economic development officials and the governor for much of the financial troubles facing his video game company. The former Red Sox pitcher tells The Providence Journal ( ...
Video game orchestra strikes nostalgic chord
CBS News
Instead, it was arrangements for video games like "Sonic the Hedgehog." It was all part of the largest dedication ever by a major museum to the art of video games. Joel Guttman, who plays trombone for the University of Maryland's Gamer Symphony ...
CBS News
Are video games art? Kids speak out
Washington Post
Dev Patel, 8, Reston Video games are like a painting on an electronic screen. The controller functions as your paintbrush, while the screen serves as your canvas. In order to make a video game, you have to think of something original to reach your ...
Rhode Island Owns Defunct Video Game Firm
The story of 38 Studios has everything: sports stars, political incompetence, government bailouts, taxpayer outrage and -- the kicker -- big-budget video games. The storm began nearly two years ago, when the Rhode Island Economic Development ...
Schilling blames Rhode Island for video game firm's troubles
By NEWSCORE PROVIDENCE — Former star pitcher Curt Schilling lashed out today at Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, blaming the state for his video game company's desperate financial situation. In his first public comments on the near-collapse of 38 ...
Video game developer's conference marks maturing of an Ottawa industry
Ottawa Citizen
By Vito Pilieci, The Ottawa Citizen May 29, 2012 10:16 AM OTTAWA — The capital's video gamedesign industry has finally grown up — and it's throwing a big party on Tuesday to prove it. In what organizers hope will be the first of many annual Ottawa ...
Hyper-Realistic Video Game Car Crashes Coming Soon
Motor Authority
Read More Building on the work of the geniuses at CryTek, creators of the new CryENGINE3 video game engine, BeamNG has found a way to model vehicle crashes with incredible realism--within the world where your character hacks, slashes, shoots, ...
Video Game Quick Hits 5/29/2012
Big Shiny Robot!
The last edition for the month of May. This one was quick and eventful. What do we have to look forward to in June? E3 for starters, which means you'll want to keep a Big Shiny Robot! tab open at all times as we've got several people headed to LA for ...
Big Shiny Robot!
Schilling, Chaffee Each Disputes Other's View Of Video Game Woes
CBS Local
He said that shortly after those comments, a video-game publisher pulled out of a $35-million deal to finance a new game. “The governor is not operating in the best interest of the company by any stretch, or the taxpayers, or the state,” Schilling told ...
CBS Local
Certain Video Games May Be Beneficial to Health, Improve Disease Outcomes
Medical Daily
Playing video games may significantly improve a variety of health outcomes, especially those associated with psychological and physical therapy, according to a new study. By Christine Hsu | May 29, 2012 Playing video games may significantly improve a ...
Medical Daily
Video Game High School: Rock O'Clock is 3:32
Houston Press (blog)
By Jef With One F Tue., May 29 2012 at 6:00 AM Video Game High School continues to be one of the greatest things on the Internet in last week's episode. I'm always a big fan of dream sequences, having been weaned on red rooms and the dancing dwarf in ...
Video Game Review: 'Max Payne 3' is Gaming as Cinematic Immersion
CHICAGO – So what's Max Payne been up to since we last saw him all those years ago? No, not since the horrendous 2008 movie. The movie just doesn't exist folks. Take a deep breath. It's been nine years since the last gaming incarnation of Payne.
The Lego Batman 2 Video Game Might Know What Kids Want Out of Comics Better ...
The next Lego Batman game comes packed with superheroes. Enough to form a Justice League, even. And that's great for the adults who already know those characters and will be playing with children. But if I were a seven-year-old kid playing the ...
London 2012 video game preview and interview - hyper sports
But London 2012: The Official Video Game Of The Olympic Games, to give it it's full title, is something we understand. A direct descendant of retro classics such as Track & Field, Daley Thompson's Decathlon, and Epyx's Summer Games, it aims to be the...
Video Game Designed To Help Physicians ID Substance Misuse Issues
Researchers are in the final stages of testing an interactive video game designed to help physicians identify the warning signs of substance misuse among patients, the New York Times reports. According to Michael Fleming at the Northwestern University ...
The “real” science behind five video game items
In the video game universe, health regenerates, swapping out a weapon clip before it's empty does not typically decrease one's total ammo supply, and many characters can jump while they're jumping. With all of this craziness going on, it's no wonder ...
Galaxy S III - has it won over the Pocket Gamer crew?
Pocket Gamer
by Will Wilson The rumours and the waiting are finally over - Samsung's latest flagship Android handset, the Galaxy S III, is available now across Europe. Packing in a quad-core processor, a massive 4.8-inch screen, and more extra bits of software than ...
Game Over for GameStop and Video Game Retailers?
The same week, though, video game retailer GameStop announced a worse-than-expected quarter of falling revenues led by plummeting in-store sales. Together, those two facts signal a massive re-alignment of how games are sold.
New Desperate Poverty Video Game Blamed For Urban Violence
The Onion (satire)
Add special collections of Onion Radio News to your playlist that have been hand-selected by the editors. The Onion Radio News has been the most highly regarded broadcast news source in the world since visionary Onion publisher T.Herman Zweibel made ...
Is "All This Violence" Really What Video Games Are Made Of?
Now it is absolutely, unequivocally true that not all video games rely on sex and violence; more on that in a moment. But in our AAA, blockbuster extravaganzas, the major method through which stories are told is combat. Consider: BioShock is routinely ...
Video gaming isn't just child's play
University of Pittsburgh researchers say video games as a powerful tool for improving patient health, according to a study just published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. It's not a comprehensive endorsement--the study finds there are ...
Syracuse University students' video game draws crowd at conference, attracts ...
By Dave Tobin / The Post-Standard Frank Ordonez/The Post-Standard, 2011Dave Chenell (left) and Eric Cleckner, Syracuse University graduate students, stand behind computer monitors displaying images from the website for their computer game graFighters, ...
Epic: We have not declared our Wii U strategy
Earlier, video games journalist Geoff Keighley suggested that Epic Games had confirmed that Wii U would not host games built on Unreal Engine 4, adding that the information had come from Epic Games president Mike Capps. @DavidKalpakis No, at GDC Mike ...
There is an Awesome Game of Thrones Video Game. You Can Play it Right Now.
And it is already pretty much the perfect Game of Thrones video game. I mentioned in my review of Crusader Kings II earlier in the year that the systems put in place by developers Paradox seemed ideally suited to George RR Martin's fantasy universe.
Tim Schafer's $3.3 Million Kickstarter Adventure Could Level-Up The Entire ...
Fast Company
BY David Holmes | 05-29-2012 | 8:00 AM This behind-the-scenes interview with the brutal legend of video game design proves that listening to your customers can pay off in unexpected ways. "We want playing our games to entertain people on many different...
Fast Company
Schilling Blames Rhode Island, Chafee For Video Game
By KC Downey
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling blames broken promises by Rhode Island and Gov. Lincoln Chafee for the financial trouble his video game company is in.
CBS Boston
Video Game Trains Doctors to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse | The ...
By Join Together Staff
A new video game helps doctors learn how to determine if patients asking for painkillers truly need them. The game is part of an effort at Northwestern University in Chicago to help physicians fight prescription drug abuse. The game trains ...
The Partnership
By Join Together Staff
A new video game helps doctors learn how to determine if patients asking for painkillers truly need them. The game is part of an effort at Northwestern University in Chicago to help physicians fight prescription drug abuse. The game trains ...
The Partnership
Mario No Le Gusta - Video Games - Memebase
By Cheezburger Network
video game memes - Mario No Le Gusta. ... Video Games - memes, game lols, captions,. I Can Has Cheezburger? FAIL Blog · Memebase · The Daily What · Know Your ... Create or find a funny Video Game Meme? Make sure to submit it here!
Video Games - Memes, Captions,...
New video game releases - Entertainment Wire - The Olympian ...
The following games are among those scheduled for release this week, according to
The Olympian Online -- Entertainment...
What was the first video game system you owned? - DVD Talk Forum
By Sub-Zero
The first video game system that I owned was the original Nintendo Entertainment System (the one that came with two controllers, the light gun and the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt game pak). At the same time I also received the original ...
DVD Talk Forum - Video Game Talk
Masters of the Universe The Power of He-Man Video Game : Poe ...
By Poe
While reading through the entire run of the 1980s Vigilante comic (don't ask…), I came across the ad below on a back cover. Now, as I kid my family actually owned an Intellivision, so given my love of He-Man it's unclear to me why we never ...
Poe Ghostal's Points of Articulation
First Look at Ron Gilbert's New Video Game 'The Cave' | Top Hat ...
By Tim Briscoe
One of my favorite all-time video games is the 1987 adventure puzzler Maniac Mansion. I devoured hour-upon-hour of that game on my Commodore 64. Th.
Top Hat Sasquatch
Video Games Remade For The My Little Pony Fans | Gamma Squad
By RoboPanda
Stay ahead of the curve and get the best mixture of web culture and entertainment delivered straight to your in-box. Recommended Posts. [image]. Video Games What if Important Historical Events Were Reviewed by Video Game Reviewers?
Gamma Squad
Video Game Car Crashes Have Never Looked This Good | Kotaku ...
By Luke Plunkett
This is what happens when you plug the physics system of truck sim Rigs of Rods into Crytek's CryEngine3: car crashes so nice you can watch them...
Kotaku Australia
Are video game soundtracks the new concept albums? - The Guardian
Are video game soundtracks the new concept albums? ... "Everything has to loop indefinitely," says the band's bassist and resident gamer, John Famiglietti.
Tues. preview: Music to a gamer's ears - CBS News Video
CBS News video: Tues. preview: Music to a gamer's ears - The Gamer Symphony ... video gamehits, and explains how they're striking a chord with audiences.
Follow @sobeq