Take smudboy's( systematic breakdown of the plot and other various parts of video games, as this is generally objective views about the game, and gives much credibility to the way in which he examines the games he reviews. You should also take notes on the gameplay, the atmosphere and .... Not being a reviewer but being a long-time long-form gamer, I've shared your frustration from the reader side. What I'd love to see comes from automobile magazines: let's have one set ...
WWE '13 adds three more superstars to the roster
As many video game and WWE fans already know, THQ will be releasing yet another installment to their WWE video game franchise later this year. To build anticipation for the upcoming release of WWE '13, THQ is following the process of slowly releasing the ...
The Art Of In-Game Photography
Huffington Post
Rainer Sigl. Freelance journalist, video games blogger. GET UPDATES FROM Rainer Sigl ... The pictures of Australian gamer Iain Andrews, collected on Steam Postcards, concentrate on the details of these environments, the back alleys, corners and decor of these virtual spaces made for navigating through them. Like Joshua Taylor's pictures, collected on his ... or non-existent - screenshot-capabilities.
A platform of one's own: Video Game High School takes control
What happens when a creator uses a highly-anticipated web series to launch a new website? The creators of Video Game High School found out when the highly-anticipated web series debuted on Rocket Jump — bringing millions of views to a platform they ...
Project STEAM camp teaches kids video game design, robotics
New Paltz Times
Elting and Kulik are hard at work on a video game called “Axe Hero.” The two guide the game's titular hero through Level 1, debugging the game and looking for glitches. The hero is a lanky fellow, resembling a Transformer robot or Mega Man. He's dressed in ...
New Paltz Times
'Race for the White House' turns presidential campaigning into a video game
'Race for the White House' turns presidential campaigning into a video game. Sunday July 29, 2012, 2:48 PM. BY MONICA HESS. THE WASHINGTON POST. The Record. Pages: 1 2 > display on one page | Print | E-mail. What do you do in this game?
Impressions Of Dust 514
Gamer Living
There are conflicts that take place in EVE that science fiction writers dream of. Dust 514, CCP Games' free-to-play first-person shooter, which ties in with the insanely popular online MMO, has had its closed beta, and Gamer Living got to sit down for a couple of ...
Gamer Living
Ouya signs up with OnLive – Video Games Update (blog)
Ouya signs up with OnLive – Video Games Update. It seems that the team behind Ouya will not have to worry about the lack of games for the upcoming console as they have signed a deal with the cloud gaming service OnLive. Gamers were predicting doom ...
Crysis 3 new game-play trailer released – Video Games Update (blog)
Crysis 3 new game-play trailer released – Video Games Update. Crytek has released an Interactive video trailer on YouTube which lets gamers pick between a stealth approach and straight forward action. Crysis became insanely popular on the PC because ...
Just Cause Developer against DLC – Video Games Update (blog)
Just Cause Developer against DLC – Video Games Update. Christofer Sundberg, the founder of Avalanche Studios, says that downloadable content (DLC) and forced multiplayer are not the only way to extend a games life and keep players engaged.
The 10 Best Songs From Video Games
Sabotage Times
Video game music can often be overlooked in favour of concentrating on flashy graphics or the simple honest fun of shooting guys in the face. However, a good musical score can really make or break a game, helping the playing to feel certain ways at ...
'Reign of Fear' trademarked by Sony Online Entertainment
Specifically, the filing pertains to "computer game software and video game software; providing downloadable multiplayer, role playing, real time computer and video game software via an online website for entertainment purposes" and "entertainment ...
Meet the visual effects studio behind some of the best video game commercials
Meet the visual effects studio behind some of the best video game commercials. Jul. 29, 2012 (1:05 pm) By: Sam Cook ... See more of The Mill's work on their website. Tags: Doctor Who, Mass Effect, special effects, The Mill, video, video games, visual effects ...
Crytek open to Wii-U version of Crysis 3 – Video Games Update (blog)
Crytek open to Wii-U version of Crysis 3 – Video Games Update. Crytek Producer, Mike Read, has confirmed that Crytek is working closely with Nintendo even though he has not confirmed Crysis 3 for the upcoming system. “I wouldn't say no chance. I mean ...
Still no date for Skyrim: Dawnguard release for PC and PS3
As of this writing, PC Gamer news has posted this; “We have not announced Dawnguard for any other platform, nor given a timeline for any such news,” says Bethesda maketing VP Pete Hines in a tweet spotted by IGN. “If we have news, I promise I'd tell you.” They go on to talk about how quiet Bethesda has been about the release, but ... Bill Clark, Colorado Springs Video Game Examiner. Bill Clark has been a passionate gamer since 1991. With a variety of experience playing everything from side-scrollers to ...
5 Ways To Be A Massive Jerk To Your Opponents In Video Games
Kotaku Australia
5 Ways To Be A Massive Jerk To Your Opponents In Video Games. Patricia Hernandez Today 2:30 PM. Maybe you reached your skill plateau despite constant practice. Maybe the odds are against you. Maybe you're just a terrible human being. Whatever the ...
GameStop: We're Interested in Selling Secondhand Digital Videogames
Hot Hardware
GameStop: We're Interested in Selling Secondhand Digital Download Video Games. Saturday, July 28, 2012 - by Paul Lilly · GameStop makes a killing selling used videogames, but what happens to that business model when digital distribution platforms run ...
Hot Hardware
Borderlands free to play on Steam this weekend – Video Games Update (blog)
Borderlands free to play on Steam this weekend – Video Games Update. It seems that Gearbox is trying to promote Borderlands 2 with the first game being free to download and play on Steam for the weekend. Borderlands 2 is a Western themed science ...
Wii U Will Have 3D Compatibility, But Not At Launch
The Gamer Scene (blog)
Does it really bring that much more to a video game? As someone who has yet to play any home ... Tags: 1080p 3dnintendorumorrumoursaturo iwatathe gamersceneWiiWii Uwii u 3dwii u 3d 1080p 60fps. Categorized Under: Featured, News, Nintendo ...
The Gamer Scene (blog)
Braid developer lashes out on corporate culture – Video Games Update (blog)
Braid developer lashes out on corporate culture – Video Games Update. Jonathan Blow, the creator of the popular Indie game Braid, has stated that Microsoft and Sony need to open up their platforms if they want to continue competing with the likes of Apple ...
Michael Phelps is Quite the Modern Gamer, It Seems
Just Push Start
Among them, one was video games, and to some, the questions and answers may be quite interesting. After being asked what his primary game console was, which turned out to be Xbox 360, Phelps was then asked about his most common game. This may ...
Just Push Start
Electronic Arts promises to keep supporting Battlefield 3 – Video Games Update (blog)
Electronic Arts promises to keep supporting Battlefield 3 – Video Games Update. Due to the recent complaints by gamers everywhere regarding the announcement of Battlefield 4 (BF4), Electronic Arts (EA) in hopes of pacifying the fans has stated that it will ...
Halo 4: Essential Reading
Halo 4 · HALO · Video Games · Console Games · Xbox 360. Advertisement .... Scott is a life-long gamer living in the north Atlanta 'burbs with his wife and two children and loves to write about a variety of games on different platforms. You can reach him at ...
Two game soundtracks you need to hear
The University of Hawaii Kaleo (blog)
Video game soundtracks are required, in my opinion, to vastly exceed what a movie soundtrack must do. Both are responsible for setting up the ... the game; you'll understand… Discuss; Print. Posted in Blogs, Video games on Sunday, July 29, 2012 9:03 am.
In Olympic games, 'London 2012' takes bronze
Sentinel and Enterprise
For what it's worth, "London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games" ($50, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC) is probably the best all-around Olympic simulation ever made. That said, it still isn't very good. Call me a pessimist, but developer Sega ...
CCI: Archie Unites Sonic and Mega Man
Comic Book Resources
Archie Comics' Sonic and Mega Man: Video Game Comics Showcase CCI 2012 panel featured all things Sonic and Mega Man. Fans of Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man comics were in for a treat during the publisher's Sonic and Mega Man ...
I Went To The Theatre To See Duck Hunt
Kotaku Australia
For the past four years each summer, the Brick theatre in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has brought together some of the finest playwrights and actors to explore the subject of video games in numerous ways. And this year's edition was no .... It's one of those video game plays that examines a situation that is common in many titles, but is often packed with goals and activities, and pushes all that aside. It really makes you ponder what ... Back to John: there's a token girlgamer in the group, Amy. Naturally, he's in love with her ...
9GAG - Video games and their advantages
Video games and their advantages. thumuhim | 1 day ago 159 20157. Love. Tweet. 265. Share3738. Pin It. Video games and their advantages. Comments. Report post · Y U No Signup?! Recommended. Is it just me or does the Queen look a ... Site Feed
How Video Games Can Actually Improve Your Life - TechEBlog
By TecheBlog Staff
We've probably all heard our parents tell us to not play so much video games and go outside for a change, but fortunately, all of those hours spent cooped up in your room might have been worth it. Here are a few reasons you can shout back ...
Tech Blog
Gamer looking for a game in Jerusalem, Israel - EN World: Your ...
By trdreier
Hey All! I'm an American who is spending a year studying in Israel and am looking for a D&D game. I know this is a long shot, but I figured I'd.
EN World: Your Daily RPG Magazine
Building the most offensive video game ever - Hack a Day
By Brian Benchoff
[Autuin] created the most offensive video game ever. Inside a small cocktail arcade cabinet, he installed his own video game that recreates the experiences of the Space Shuttle Challenger and her crew on their last flight. The build started off ...
Hack a Day
Six Games and Rock & Roll: Paradox Goes on Tour! | Front Towards ...
By CowardDuck
Paradox Interactive is taking a selection of its games on tour, blending rock and roll with video games.
Front Towards Gamer
Free Gamer - Open Source Games: War§ow 1.0 released
By Julius
Yesterday the long awaited version 0.7 1.0 was released and thus after 7 years of development War§ow has gone out of beta. For those out of the loop, here is a short description of it by the developers: Warsow is a fast paced, deathmatch ...
Free Gamer - Open Source Games
Sanctum Beta on Mac! | Airborne Gamer
By Musa Omar
I have been counting the days for this, finally at long last Sanctum the hit FPS-Tower Defense fusion has finally gotten the beta for mac! And you can apply for the closed beta here! All you have to do is just fill out the form with information about ...
Airborne Gamer
9GAG tumblr • Video games and their advantages
smoking-crack-with-satan liked this. kharmasampanda liked this. akachinny liked this. muyami reblogged this from rosesakurax · turnontheperverseside reblogged this from godlesskraven · messagesfromthepast reblogged this from 9gag ...
9GAG tumblr
Outfit presentation thread on reddit- shall we? - Tactical Gamer
By BigGaayAl
I was just looking over reddit and noticed this thread: It is a place to introduce/advertise your outfit. I would think TG would want to post there at some point. I'm.
Tactical Gamer
Top 10 Bestselling Games Worldwide in Week 30, 2012
By Ferry
London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games – Ltd Edition Steelbook, gift with purchase (Xbox 360) 3. Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (Wii) .... Latest Video Games News. New Super Mario Bros 2 Gold Lakitu ...
Video Game Walkthroughs, Video...

Featuring the gorgeous Angel Rose and the equally gorgeous Cesar Polini, a story of young love ...
Clueless Gamer: Conan O'Brien Reviews "Minecraft" @ TeamCoco ...
By jason omalley on July 25, 2012 @ 3:30 AM. Tags: Comedy Sketches, Clueless Gamer, Minecraft, Video Games · 0 Comments. :(Flash Player is Required.
Welcome to the first episode of Annoyed Gamer! It's time to let your voice be heard in a ...
The next revolution in video games - Fortune Tech
Typically, video game systems have gotten progressively more powerful. ... consumers in the U.S. spent $3.4 billion on video games in the first quarter 2012, and ...
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