CBS News
Journey Review: Today's greatest example of video games as art (Credit: Sony) (CBS News) "Journey" is not like most modern video games. Full coverage of video games at Tech Talk It doesn't appeal to the adrenaline-fueled, murder junkie inside of us.
CBS News
Pentagon wants to hack into video game consoles
TG Daily
Indeed, the US Navy recently paid a whopping $177237.50 to Obscure Technologies to develop tools for the extraction of information from video gamesystems. The official description is as follows: "[This is an] R & D effort for the development and ...
TG Daily
Smithsonian celebrates 'Art of Video Games'
ABC2 News
Thirty to 40 years ago, when arcade and console games were primitive and parents condemned them as a new threat to their children's schooling, it was probably hard to imagine one of America's leading museums embracing video games as an artform.
ABC2 News
College Students Find 'Serious' Video Games Educational, Fun
U.S. News & World Report
But the proliferation of educational video games—what professors and game industry professionals call 'serious' games—in college and graduate school classrooms and on campus suggests work and play can occur simultaneously.
U.S. News & World Report
DHS hires hackers to crack video game consoles
The country's top counterterrorism unit has awarded a California company $177235 to hack video game consoles under the guise of cracking down on criminal activity. San Francisco-based Obscure Technologies is the recent recipient of a government ...
Austin video game studio to lay off nearly 80
Austin American-Statesman (blog)
By Brian Gaar | Monday, April 9, 2012, 11:28 AM Austin gaming studio Vigil Games will lay off nearly 80 employees next month, its parent company THQ Inc. announced. The layoffs, which will affect 79 full-time employees comes as THQ announced an ...
Fake Gamer of the Week: Why Can't Techno Soldier Control His Rage?
The mainstream media might tell you that violent video games cause this kind of behavoir, but I believe I've discovered the true culprit: green and black backdrops. I'll go ahead and say it: green and black backdrops (or black and green, in Europe) are ...
The U.S. Navy Is Hiring Video Game Console Hackers
Design a prototype rig for capturing data from new video game systems. Implement the prototype rig on the new video game systems. Provide used video games systems purchased on the open market. Used systems provided shall be likely to contain data from ...
Are You Smarter Than a Gamer Nerd
And I. Activity is their they're gonna be raised in this environment that says appreciate this is art what is the most famous sex scenes from a video game. I would say the most famous sex scene and it's part of the beauty of gaming is from -- where's ...
John Mayer Covers Lana Del Rey's “Video Games”
Idolator: All About The Music
Recently he offered up a cover of Lana Del Rey's “Video Games” to fans. As you might expect, however, there are no vocals on the track — just some haunting guitar licks.”Video Games (dub solo electric) w/Binson Echorec,” Mayer wrote when posting his ...
Idolator: All About The Music
The Smithsonian's Wildly Popular 'The Art of Video Games' Exhibition Leads ...
Side Mission (blog)
There are those that remain steadfast in their assertion that video games are not, in fact, an art form. To those people I would submit the Smithsonian's current exhibition, which enthusiastically celebrates "The Art of Video Games".
Side Mission (blog)
The First Video Game Easter Egg
People all over the country may be dyeing Easter eggs today, but video game players hunt for the things all year. In the world of technology, “Easter Egg” refers to hidden pieces of code that users can access via obscure methods.
Study Suggests Violent Gaming Leads To Cooperation, Not Aggression
by Eric Limer | 2:51 pm, April 9th, 2012 Pretty much from the start of video gaming, but particularly since games like Doom, there's been a big hubub about violence in video games. Critics seem to believe violent video games are sure to cause ...
Study Questions Entire Video Game and Aggressiveness Link
Overclockers Club
Do violent video games cause people, especially children, to become violent? One side of the debate argues that violence in the video game is transferred to real life causing people to act it out, while the other side argues lessens are learned within ...
The 20 best games on Xbox 360
By Ben Griffin for It's the question on every gamer's lips, their ultimate quest - "What are the top games for my system?" In an effort to give Xbox 360 owners everywhere a handy 'best of' guide, and stir in a bit of friendly ...
Can video games revolutionize education? (blog)
By Betwa Sharma | April 9, 2012, 8:07 AM PDT Indian innovators plan to revolutionize school-level education by using video games as a tool for learning. Education here, especially till the 12 th grade, is criticized for its rote and formulaic style.
POLL: Is the Gay Content in EA's Games Inappropriate?
By Jennifer van der Kleut Redwood City-based video game company Electronic Arts (EA) has joined the ranks of similar companies that have come under fire for including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) content in some of their games.
Bootleg Chinese Arcades Sure Can Make Popular Video Games Boring
The original Plants versus Zombies is a classic in China. Even before the Chinese version came out, the game was a success. My girlfriend, who is Chinese, had a PvZ phase. During that time, she would playPvZ everywhere she went— be it on my smartphone ...
Video: Game Changers: Magic Johnson
SLAM Online
Last Thursday, Bloomberg TV continued its “Bloomberg Game Changers” series with an in-depth documentary on Magic Johnson's astonishing post-NBA career as a world class entrepreneur. Above is the full episode, which profiles Magic and also includes ...
Launch Pad: Downloads are your friends
By Brett Molina, USA TODAY Don't even bother visiting a retail outlet this week in search of the freshest video game. Want something shiny and new? Go 100% digital. April in general is looking like a snoozer of a month for video gamereleases.
Video games help patients' recovery
This is South Wales
CANCER patients at Singleton Hospital are playing video games to help them exercise and speed up their recovery. It's one of a series of innovative ideas that ABM's cancer team will showcase at a forthcoming professional event.
Games addicts sent to rehab
Herald Sun
The trend has forced rehab centre Teen Challenge to extend its drug and alcohol addiction services to cater for video game addicts. Fantasy game World of Warcraft has been identified as the most enslaving. Teen Challenge program director David Hunter ...
Studies Linking Game Violence with Real-World Aggression May All Be Wrong
Studies in the past have found that winning competitions can make you mean, and we've all seen the stereotype of the angry gamer yelling at his console. But the latest research on the psychological effects of video games finds that, contrary to popular ...
Jack Tramiel, founder of Commodore, passes at 83
Tramiel was instrumental in keeping Atari afloat after the video game crash of 1983, as the company even managed to produce new systems, such as the Atari ST. In perhaps the most visible reminder of Tramiel's ultimate mark, many enthusiasts around the ...
Feds Want Way to Hack Xboxes and Wiis for Evidence
Wired News
“This project requires the purchasing of used video game systems outside of the US in a manner that is likely to result in their containing significant and sensitive information from previous users,” Simson Garfinkel, a computer science professor...
Wired News
Newbie Mode for Classic Video Games (10 pics) -
By Voodoo
See how funnily the iconic video games would change if their difficulty level could be switched to an extra-easy mode. See how funnily the iconic video games would change if their difficulty.
Video Game Vanity Plates
Good Monday morning to ye! Let's start this week with a little laugh or at least an amused smile, shall we? What better way to do that than with suggested video game vanity plates? Where's the Mass Effect one? COME ON! Something to do ...
Game Revolution - Daily Manifesto
True video, iPhone videos, Pocket Gamer
Pocket Gamer is the world's leading destination for games on iPhone and iPod touch. Get news, previews, reviews, tips, features and practical guides for: iPhone and iPod touch.
Pocket Gamer |
Brainy Gamer: Brainy Gamer Podcast - Episode 36
By Michael Abbott
The Brainy Gamer podcast is back! In this edition I talk with Stephen Totilo, editor-in-chief of Kotaku, one of the most influential blogs websites devoted to video games in the world. Stephen and I discuss video game journalism, the changes ...
Brainy Gamer
10 Video Game Nanny Characters We'd Like to See » Nanny.NET
By admin
There's no better way than to immortalize them in video games and bring the message to a new generation of youth. Here are 10 video game nanny characters we'd like to see: Nanformers – Develop your avatar's housekeeping and ...
Re-Training My Brain to Watch TV and Play Video Games ...
By nwsmith1984
Why can't I watch TV or play video games? I'm 9 months into my recovery...I should be able to do that by now...right? Wrong. Let me explain. I was an avid gamer pre-injury. I was absolutely addicted to my X-Box 360 and was in the video game ...
NeuroTalk Support Groups
By nwsmith1984
Why can't I watch TV or play video games? I'm 9 months into my recovery...I should be able to do that by now...right? Wrong. Let me explain. I was an avid gamer pre-injury. I was absolutely addicted to my X-Box 360 and was in the video game ...
NeuroTalk Support Groups
US Government Hires Company To Hack Into Video Game Consoles
By Michael Silbergleid reports that the U.S. government recently posted a project asking for the “Development of Tools for Extracting Information from Video Game Systems.” The listing was posted just two months ago, and last week a contract was signed ...
Schubin Cafe
Weird Video Games – Revolution X (Arcade) |
By Heisanevilgenius
Monday, 09 April 2012 10:01 Last Updated on Monday, 09 April 2012 10:01 Written by Heisanevilgenius 0 Comments. Weirdness rating: 7/10. Fight an oppressive new order alongside Aerosmith with a magic machine gun that shoots music.

The Best Video Game Glitches. The greatest broken bits of our favorite games. By : Steve Watts ...
Our video interview with Brian Martel, Chief Creative Officer at Gearbox Software and director of ...
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