Huffington Post
Market tracker NPD Group said Thursday that sales of console and portable software – the video games themselves – fell 26 percent to $585 million. That's roughly in line with depressed estimates. Cowen & Co. analyst Doug Creutz forecast a 22 percent ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook spotted at video game designer Valve's headquarters
Apple Insider
Valve, created by two former Microsoft employees in the mid 90s, has grown into a major video games developer and maintains the Steam gaming platform, which distributes over 1400 games to an audience of over 30 million active users.
How the Video Games Industry Is Faring
ABC News
A look at results from selected companies in the video games business: Thursday: Market tracker NPD Group says US retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories fell 25 percent in March from a year earlier to $1.1 billion.
Video game sales continue slide in March
Los Angeles Times
March was another brutal month for sales of video game discs and consoles as total revenue dropped 25% in the US from the same month last year, according to research firm NPD Group. It was the fourth straight month that video game industry sales have ...
Video game sales sink 25% in March
By Brett Molina, USA TODAY Not even an intergalactic epic was powerful enough to rescue the video games industry from its sales slump. March numbers were down 25% compared with the same time last year, raking in $1.1 billion, according to data from NPD ...
US Video-Game Retail Sales Slide 25% in March, NPD Says
By Cliff Edwards on April 12, 2012 US sales of video-game hardware, software and accessories tumbled 25 percent in March to $1.1 billion from a year earlier, researcher NPD Group Inc. said today in an e-mailed statement. Retail sales totaled $1.47 ...
How High Can This Gamer Go?
Motley Fool
By Travis Hoium | More Articles Shares of Las Vegas Sands (NYSE: LVS ) hit a 52-week high yesterday. Let's look at how it got here and whether clear skies are ahead. There are two catalysts that have driven Las Vegas Sands over the past year: Marina ...
U.S. Video-Game Retail Sales Slide 25% in March, NPD Says
US sales of video-game hardware, software and accessories tumbled 25 percent in March to $1.1 billion from a year earlier, researcher NPD Group Inc. said today in an e-mailed statement. Retail sales totaled $1.47 billion a year earlier, when Nintendo ...
Xbox continues to reign amidst weak video game market
As usual, the rest of the video game industry was down in the dumps. Sales of consoles and other hardware touched $323.5 million, a 35 percent drop from March 2011. "Hardware really slowed down this month and all systems saw a unit sales decline versus ...
'Need for Speed' Video Game Series Gets a Film Franchise Now Also
First Showing
The Playlist has word that a feature film adaptation of the hit racing video game series is in development with Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures and Sony in contention to snag the rights to the series which has pumped out 18 games on several different ...
Video games are American propaganda to legitimise going to war, an academic says
By Malavika Kamaraju, Associate Editor A video game, played in the comfort of your den, may offer you some long moments of heroic pursuits but the heroism is more a fantasy than reality. We've all been there and experienced that — a surge of triumph ...
Virtual MMA: The 15 Best Video Games in MMA History
Bleacher Report
With its popularity soaring, video game production and sells have been rising as well. Over the past four years, MMA video games have made a huge jump from games that are just "worth a try" to today being "must haves" for any sport or fightingvideo ...
Bleacher Report
Video Game Trailer Roundup: Friday April 13
Game Rant
A few good video game trailers slipped through the cracks this week, but luckily we've got them all wrangled up and ready to go. There's a good helping of anticipated games here that shower the eyeballs with lots of new footage.
Game Rant
Meet The Fifth-Grader Who Made A Video Game For His Blind Grandmother
Video games are for having fun. They're for escaping. They're for pretending to be somebody you're not, for machine-gunning through alien mines or hopping between cartoon chasms. They're for zombie shooting and portal opening and cube collecting.
Video Games Hit A Sour Patch
Sour Patch Kids teams up with Mother New York to make World Gone Sour, a video game for the Adult Swim crowd. It's not very challenging to guide a Sour Patch Kid from out of the wrapper into your stomach. People do it in movie theaters all the time.
Video Game Quick Hits 4/13/12
Big Shiny Robot!
Resident Evil 6 has bucked video game convention and had its released date moved up instead of delayed. Rather than face the stiff competition of November in a heads up battle, the title has been moved to October 2nd. And really, isn't October a better ...
Big Shiny Robot!
Video Game Review: Silent Hill: HD Collection
GMA News
Fortunately, Konami has blessed the video game community with another package that's sure to please longtime fans of the series and welcome new entrants into the fold in a proper manner. Enter Silent Hill: HD Collection, a compilation of two of the ...
Video game sales: More Doom
The Seattle Times (blog)
March was another painful month for the video game industry, which saw US sales fall 25 percent to $1.1 billion. That's according to NPD's monthly report of physical game sales. It said hardware sales fell 35 percent, software was down 26 percent and ...
Video Game Review: 'Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13' Offers More of the Stellar Same
If anything, it's the same as last year and being the same is being behind in the world of video games. For every gorgeously designed green, there's a bunker or an animation that doesn't look quite right. But, like I said, if it didn't bother you last ...
This Video Game Will Cost You $1300
Special editions of video games have been serious business in Japan for decades, often coming with soundtracks, art books, models, and other unique collectibles, and sometimes selling for hundreds of dollars. For its latest Resident Evil game, ...
Two-Thirds of Parents Admit They Don't Bother Checking Video Game Age Ratings
On the heels of the most recent claim that violent video games cause children to behave violently, UK-based game website surveyed parents to see if they are aware of the ratings on the games their children play. The site had 1221 parents ...
Initiatives To Get More Women Into Video Games, Good Or Bad?
The Mary Sue
by Jill Pantozzi | 11:07 am, April 13th Back in March, we posted a really interesting recruitment video from video game developers Electronic Arts. They showed a video game marketer, developer, and publisher – all women – talking about how they got ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook Visits Headquarters of Video Game Firm Valve
Mac Rumors
AppleInsider reports that Apple CEO Tim Cook paid a visit today to the the headquarters of Valve, the video game firm behind the Steam digital distribution platform and a number of popular PC and Mac games. While the purpose of Cook's visit is unknown, ...
The Average Gamer 4.14.2012: Golf Edition
With that said the video game version of the sport has been alive and well for some time. Even before Tiger Woods became a household name and a title of a video game, there were enough golf video games to keep everyone happy.
Video game review: 'Xenoblade' pierces Wii role-playing void
Today's Zaman
Shulk and his companions battle a giant amphibian in a screenshot from the video game “Xenoblade Chronicles.” In most game-playing households, Nintendo's Wii is the console that gets powered up when the whole family wants to play, whether engaging in ...
Today's Zaman
Game Sales Continue Slide, Fall 25 Percent in March
PC Magazine
By Mark Hachman Video-game sales fell a shocking 25 percent in March, the fourth straight month that video game sales have been on the decline within the United States, according to reports. Sales of video games dropped 25 percent to $553.1 million, ...
DHS to track video game consoles
But DHS and the US Navy are interested in extracting data from video game consoles, and the Navy has awarded a contract for the project to San Francisco-based forensics company Obscure Technologies, according to Threat Post.
"Need for Speed" Video Game to Become a Movie
There are plenty of studios that would love their own "Fast and Furious" franchise, which is why Electronic Arts has hired George and John Gatins (Real Steel) to write a movie script based on the company's "Need for Speed" video game, which has ...
Video Games are Killing the Proud, Ancient Art of Lumberjacking
Instead, it's video games! "It's not that the demand for the job is declining. It's finding people who want to do it and work hard at it that is declining." Rosa says. "We're still using paper and wood products all the time, but nowadays, ...
Religion and Video Games | Unreasonable Faith
By vorjack
People who hear the phrase “video game” and think Donkey Kong are going the way of people who remember when comic books cost a dime. It is widely believed that as the audience matures, and the fogeys shuffle off to complain about the ...
Unreasonable Faith
Video Game Sales Drop 25 Percent In March 2011 In U.S.
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LOS ANGELES -- U.S. retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories fell 25 percent in March from a year earlier to $1.1 billion. It marked the fourth month of decline as Sony Corp.'s new PS Vita handheld failed to spark a ... Market tracker NPD Group said Thursday that sales of console and portable software – the video games themselves – fell 26 percent to $585 million. That's roughly in line with depressed estimates. Cowen & Co. analyst Doug Creutz forecast a 22 ...
The Full Feed from
Fifteen Things Video Games Are Supposed To Be Killing | Gamma ...
By Dan Seitz
Supposed, mind you. They're not doing a good job of it.
Gamma Squad
Super Mario Profiling! WOO-HOO! - Video Games - Memes ...
By Cheezburger Network
video game memes - Super Mario Profiling! WOO-HOO!
Video Games - Memes, Captions,...
Ron Paul: The Video Game | Slog
By Paul Constant
Here is a video for a (fully funded) Kickstarter to build a Ron Paul video game. Paul circles the country trying to get elected. There's a level for each of the fifty states—and "13 Boss Fights - representing each of the 13 branches of the Federal ...
The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Sega Master System: Video Game Console, Sofa
By Jonathan Fallon
This badass Sega Master System sofa was produced for a French video game blogger by his wife. Although details are scarce, there is an abundance of photos of the project for you to drool over. Check them out after the.
Nerd Approved - Gadgets and Gizmos
Smithsonian exhibit: The Art of Video Games | Lousy Canuck
By Jason Thibeault
The Smithsonian is going to have an exhibit on a subject I expect you will understand to be near and dear to me: video games as an art. ... I agree completely that video games are just like any other expression of the human experience. They have an extra layer though — they involve, to varying degrees, the ... My husband is a video game designer and we both voted on which games to include in the exhibit, so we were excited about it. I think the representation of games was very ...
Lousy Canuck
doctorwho: Doctor Who in 16-bit video game glory.
By life of mendel
spoilers for pretty much all of the important stuff in series 5 and 6.
Doctor Who
Video Game Hardware Sales Sink In March -
By sjohnson
Sales of video game hardware were down in March versus last year, continuing the industry's recent slump. Hardware sales totalled $323.5 million, down 35 percent from $494.5 million a year ago....
G4 TV - TheFeed
Inside NYU Steinhardt: MCC's Liel Leibovitz Talks Seriously About ...
By Courtney Bowe
What is a video game scholar? That's a great question. My wife still asks me that every time I tell her that I have to spend the evening “researching” a game. In all seriousness, though, the field is busy being born. Video games have been around for more than three decades, but we're only now seeing ... The gamer realizes that the game consists of algorithms, and that possibilities are limited only to what the software permits, and yet he or she explores and invents and negotiates.
NYU Steinhardt News: At a Glance
9GAG - How to provoke a gamer
How to provoke a gamer. zhuzhueighth | 20 hours ago 170 38042. Love. Tweet. 245. Share5557. Pin It. How to provoke a gamer. Comments. Report post · Y U No Signup?! Show your love to 9GAG. Follow @9gag. Recommend on Google ... Site Feed
This video game will cost you $1300 | Technology News Blog ...
From the blog This video game will cost you $1300: Technology News Blog. ... Special editions of video games have been serious business in Japan for ...
Video Game Planets
This video contains twenty little planets modeled after video game worlds. I can name two; how ...
Video Game Bundles: Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, PS3 & More Bundles at ...
Save more when you buy a video game bundle from ... Video games & systems create hours of enjoyment, and with video games & systems we can ...
Follow @sobeq
How to provoke a gamer. zhuzhueighth | 20 hours ago 170 38042. Love. Tweet. 245. Share5557. Pin It. How to provoke a gamer. Comments. Report post · Y U No Signup?! Show your love to 9GAG. Follow @9gag. Recommend on Google ... Site Feed
This video game will cost you $1300 | Technology News Blog ...
From the blog This video game will cost you $1300: Technology News Blog. ... Special editions of video games have been serious business in Japan for ...

This video contains twenty little planets modeled after video game worlds. I can name two; how ...
Video Game Bundles: Xbox 360, Wii, 3DS, PS3 & More Bundles at ...
Save more when you buy a video game bundle from ... Video games & systems create hours of enjoyment, and with video games & systems we can ...
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