Releasers and torrent racers are the select few counted on by millions to bring the latest movies, music and video games to the wider Internet in record time. One such person, a 15-year-old school kid, eventually gained access to elite piracy sites and ...
Gamer dies unnoticed inside Internet cafe in Taiwan — report
GMA News
A gamer died while playing video games at an Internet cafe in Taiwan last week, but his death went unnoticed for several hours, a UK-based news site reported. UK-based Sky News reported that for nine hours, no one noticed the body of Chen Rong-yu, 23, ...
Gamer Roulette: The Best Of Video Games 2011
Neon Tommy
From Kanto to Hyrule, Mobius to Santa Destroy, Planet Reach to Little Big Planet, Cinema Student, Screenwriter, and all around gamer, Eric Parra is a bad enough dude to bring you your weekly fix on relative gaming. Whether it's reviews, previews, ...
Neon Tommy
Dead gamer unnoticed in web cafe for hours
Dead gamer unnoticed in web cafe for hoursA Taiwanese man died while playing video games at an Internet cafe as dozens of other patrons carried on for hours afterwards apparently unaware that they were sitting near a corpse, police said Friday.
Op-Ed: Game on - a look at the video games 2012 has to offer
2012 is looking to be quite the year for video games. With such titles as Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Soul Calibur V already released, it's likely that fans are salivating over what the rest of the year has to offer in interactive entertainment.
Women-friendly video games
Globe and Mail
The stereotypical video-game addict is an adolescent boy who likes to blow things up, but the world of games is moving far beyond the first-person shooter. Here are some games with a different appeal. The popular Facebook game invites players to dispel ...
Globe and Mail
Oklahoma the latest state to pin problems on video games, proposes sin tax
Oklahoma legislation is blaming these societal problems on video games, and wants to slap a sin tax on anything rated teen and up. An Oklahoma legislator is proposing a 'what about the children?' bill (HB 2696) that aims to tax violent video games.
Alcohol: The Real Gamer Fuel
Drinking and video games go hand in hand on a Friday and Saturday night. We've all done it at some point. It starts out in our younger years when we drink juice boxes and fruit slices before the next level of Sonic loads up. We graduate later in life ...
Gamer Dies In Internet Cafe While Playing Game
Science Fiction
There are a lot of “maybes” to consider before we start blaming the gamer's habits for his sudden death and his fellow gamers for not noticing. Well he's retarded for sitting still for so long. People should know their limits when it comes to playing ...
Aliens: Colonial Marines Preview (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) -- Close Encounters
We've seen countless video games based on the Aliens franchise over the years, both for arcade and for home, and while they may have been exciting, they're hardly the sort of thing that we'd call in-depth. In fact, the closest we could come to feeling ...
Corpse Sits In Gamer Cafe For 9 Hours
The Province (blog)
Chen was playing a game called “League of Legends” at the time of his passing in a gamer room surrounded by about 30 other players. An initial police investigation found he might have died of a cardiac arrest triggered by low temperatures.
The Province (blog)
Super Bowl XLVI: Chargers' Antonio Gates Talks Madden Bowl XVIII and Video Games
San Diego Charger tight end Antonio Gates Bud Light Blue Carpet to talk about Madden Bowl XVIII as well as Madden NFL 12 and what video games he played back in the day in this exclusive video interview. Madden Bowl XVIII pitted four teams of three ...
Tiny Tower Versus Dream Heights
Some of my first experiences with video games were with the "Sim" games produced by Maxis. I'm refering back to the time before The Sims, when SimTower, SimFarm, SimAnt, and of course SimCity 2000 were all the rage. Although there are certain ...
Gamer's Lifeless Body Unnoticed for 10 Hours in Internet Cafe
A staff member at a New Taipei City Internet cafe walked over to Chen Jung-yu's station on Wednesday evening to tell the 23-year-old cable company engineer that his 23-hour gaming pass had expired. Instead staff found the Taiwanese man's lifeless body ...
Research Group Links First Person Shooters And RPGs To "Problem Gaming"
All they're saying is that some people spend too much time gaming, and those people tend to play Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Grand Theft Auto. That's not exactly far-fetched. Do you consider yourself a "problem gamer"? Even if you don't, ...
Obvious Characters Finally Confirmed for SFxT
Piki Geek
Thanks to Taiwanese game site Gamer's posting of movelists, some staple characters of both Street Fighter and Tekken are confirmed for the upcoming Street Fighter x Tekken game. Images reveal the existence of Jin, Ogre, Akuma and M. Bison.
Super Bowl XLVI: NFL Great Warren Sapp Got Game at Madden Bowl XVIII in ...
... Team and we caught up with the retired defensive back and NFL Analyst in this exclusive video interview on the Bud Light Blue Carpet to talk his participation in Madden Bowl XVIII, Madden NFL 12 and what video games he played back in the day.
Who's On The Dark Side Of Video Games?
NWAOnline (subscription)
By Doug Thompson In a new “Star Wars” game, the biggest threat to the empire may be homosexual activists!” proclaimed Tony Perkins on Tuesday. He's president of the Family Research Council. Subscribers must LOG-IN to read this full story.
What's happening with Game?
MSN Tech & Gadget UK
Game Group is the UK's biggest specialist video games retailer. On the high street it runs two brands: Game and Gamestation. It has 1274 stores trading under those two brands, of which 610 are in the UK and Ireland. The group also has three online ...
Lana Del Rey conquers UK album chart
BBC News
The album has been eagerly anticipated by Del Rey's fans since the success of her independent label single Video Games last year. Meanwhile, David Guetta's Titanium, featuring Sia, has gone to number one in the UK singles chart.
BBC News
Firaxis Confirm 'Iron Man' Mode for XCOM Remake
By Nick Winter | Feb 5, 2012 Every gamer in the world should be giddy with excitement for Firaxis' upcoming remake of the much-loved X-COM. The original 1993 release is often considered to be one of the best games ever made, and this remake,...
More "Street Fighter X Tekken" Characters: M. Bison, Xiaoyu, Akuma, Jin and ... (blog)
But now they, along with Akuma, Jin and Ogre, have been confirmed by the cards included in the Taiwanese collector's edition. The cards even list their moves, so this is pretty much for sure. Joystiq points out the leak on the Taiwanese site Gamer.
Gaming Like A Pro: An Overview Of The eSports Scene
Digital Spy
Believe it or not, some individuals make lucrative careers out of playing video games. Competitive gaming, or electronic sport as it's commonly known, has been around since the dawn of home computing, and it's grown exponentially over the last decade.
Final Fantasy X PS3/Vita is Not a Remake, HD Upgrade Only
PlayStation LifeStyle
At the release party for Final Fantasy XIII-2 in Taipei, Taiwanese website GNN Gamer got an answer from Shinji Hashimoto. When asked “So is it a remake or an HD remaster,” Hashimoto called the game an “HD Remaster,” meaning more of a visually enhanced ...
Exclusive First Look at Halo Primordium
Unleash The Fanboy
By the way, you might recognize the narrator Tim Dadabo, you know…the voice behind Halo's 343 Guilty Spark, or better knows as Oracle to the casual gamer. Just click the link below: In the wake of the apparent self-destruction of the Forerunner empire ...

Unleash The Fanboy
The Last of Us Zombies Will Be More than Just Zombies
Piki Geek
There have been so many iterations of zombies in the video games, especially in the last five years, that many seem to be tiring of the same old formula. Naughty Dog has recognized this and promises that the design for their upcoming title The Last of ...
The Week in Gaming News
Paste Magazine
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim took home top honors at the New York Video GamesCritics Circle Awards. • A demo for Mass Effect 3 will be available on February 14. • Game Informer's March cover has revealed The Last of Us, a new title from Uncharted...

Paste Magazine
Gamers ignore corpse in Internet cafe
by Chris Matyszczyk February 4, 2012 12:56 PM PST I drift into this difficult philosophical territory in memory of Chen Rong-Yu, a 23-year-old gamer in New Taipei, Taiwan. He died while gaming in an Internet cafe. And, well, according to news agency ...
Ubisoft Servers Offline Next Week, Some PC Games Unplayable During Transition
I'ma PC gamer who has never used Ubisoft's UPlay reward service, but I'd imagine that there are some PC gamers out there who do. What I do know is that people who have legitimately purchased Ubisoft games want to be able to play them.
Home theaters don't have to be intimidating
Quad City Times
So you've heard about streaming movies, playing video games, Web browsing and communicating with friends via Skype, but have no idea how to integrate all these activities and what tools you need to do it. That's where Reference Audio & Video in ...
Indie Games Spotlight for February 5th, 2012
I've always been a PC gamer. I never had a console growing up, but there was always a PC in the house and that was great because I was big into my space games, of which there were many. I loved Elite and the Wing Commander series, Privateer and ...

Final Fantasy – 13-2: Square Enix is Talking Story Volume DLCs
Gamebandits (blog)
Stories are playing a vital role in video games today. Square Enix wants to show its support for a good story by coming up with what they call downloadable story “volumes”. They will be doing these for Final Fantasy 13. Square Enix will be making use ...
Gamer found dead in internet cafe…nine hours later | VentureBeat
By Sebastian Haley
23-year-old Chen Jung-yu was found dead at an internet cafe in New Taipei, Taiwan on Tuesday night. Jung-yu was rigid in his chair with hands on the keyboard and mouse, according to local police.
Digital Spy
Believe it or not, some individuals make lucrative careers out of playing video games. Competitive gaming, or electronic sport as it's commonly known, has been around since the dawn of home computing, and it's grown exponentially over the last decade.
Final Fantasy X PS3/Vita is Not a Remake, HD Upgrade Only
PlayStation LifeStyle
At the release party for Final Fantasy XIII-2 in Taipei, Taiwanese website GNN Gamer got an answer from Shinji Hashimoto. When asked “So is it a remake or an HD remaster,” Hashimoto called the game an “HD Remaster,” meaning more of a visually enhanced ...
Exclusive First Look at Halo Primordium
Unleash The Fanboy
By the way, you might recognize the narrator Tim Dadabo, you know…the voice behind Halo's 343 Guilty Spark, or better knows as Oracle to the casual gamer. Just click the link below: In the wake of the apparent self-destruction of the Forerunner empire ...
Unleash The Fanboy
The Last of Us Zombies Will Be More than Just Zombies
Piki Geek
There have been so many iterations of zombies in the video games, especially in the last five years, that many seem to be tiring of the same old formula. Naughty Dog has recognized this and promises that the design for their upcoming title The Last of ...
The Week in Gaming News
Paste Magazine
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim took home top honors at the New York Video GamesCritics Circle Awards. • A demo for Mass Effect 3 will be available on February 14. • Game Informer's March cover has revealed The Last of Us, a new title from Uncharted...
Paste Magazine
Gamers ignore corpse in Internet cafe
by Chris Matyszczyk February 4, 2012 12:56 PM PST I drift into this difficult philosophical territory in memory of Chen Rong-Yu, a 23-year-old gamer in New Taipei, Taiwan. He died while gaming in an Internet cafe. And, well, according to news agency ...
Ubisoft Servers Offline Next Week, Some PC Games Unplayable During Transition
I'ma PC gamer who has never used Ubisoft's UPlay reward service, but I'd imagine that there are some PC gamers out there who do. What I do know is that people who have legitimately purchased Ubisoft games want to be able to play them.
Home theaters don't have to be intimidating
Quad City Times
So you've heard about streaming movies, playing video games, Web browsing and communicating with friends via Skype, but have no idea how to integrate all these activities and what tools you need to do it. That's where Reference Audio & Video in ...
Indie Games Spotlight for February 5th, 2012
I've always been a PC gamer. I never had a console growing up, but there was always a PC in the house and that was great because I was big into my space games, of which there were many. I loved Elite and the Wing Commander series, Privateer and ...
Final Fantasy – 13-2: Square Enix is Talking Story Volume DLCs
Gamebandits (blog)
Stories are playing a vital role in video games today. Square Enix wants to show its support for a good story by coming up with what they call downloadable story “volumes”. They will be doing these for Final Fantasy 13. Square Enix will be making use ...
Gamer found dead in internet cafe…nine hours later | VentureBeat
By Sebastian Haley
23-year-old Chen Jung-yu was found dead at an internet cafe in New Taipei, Taiwan on Tuesday night. Jung-yu was rigid in his chair with hands on the keyboard and mouse, according to local police.
Geek Gifts 2012: DFX Powerball Gamer Gyroscope | TechRepublic
By Wally Bahny
The Powerball might be beneficial for gamers and some athletes, but Wally Bahny doesn't advise using the device for carpal tunnel rehabilitation.
Geekend Blog | TechRepublic
Australian Planking » Can Video Games Improve Fitness and ...
By ZappaAcre710
Can Video Games Improve Fitness and Wellbeing. • Posted by ZappaAcre710 • 5 February, 2012 • Comments Off. Anyone who's lay a health or fitness orientated goal before understands how many challenges can pop along the way.
Australian Planking
DFX Powerball Gamer Gyroscope (photos) | TechRepublic
By Wally Bahny
The DFX Powerball Gamer Gyroscope in its packaging. This particular model from Dynaflex is marketed toward gamers who want to improve their dexterity.
on TechRepublic
Session Impressions: Blood Bowl: Team Manager - Pulp Gamer
By (Myriad Games)
Myriad Games Presentations. Myriad Gamers. New Hampshire. Description: Myriad Games Presentations feature a wide variety of unplugged fun for everyone! Bring your friends and family together around the table through the power of ...
Myriad Games Presentations
Oklahoma Lawmaker Proposes Tax on Violent Video Games ...
An Oklahoma lawmaker is proposing taxing violent video games in that state to fund obesity and bullying programs. The proposal . (pdf) by House Rep.
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